Anthropic's Claude Integration with Go and Lingoose

In the ever-changing world of artificial intelligence, a new AI assistant called Claude has arrived on the scene, and it’s turning heads. Created by a company called Anthropic, Claude is incredibly smart and can understand and communicate with humans in very natural, human-like ways. What makes Claude so special is the way it has been trained. The folks at Anthropic fed Claude a massive amount of data, which allows it to truly grasp how we humans speak and write....

March 26, 2024 · 3 min · Simone Vellei

Empowering Go: unveiling the synergy of AI and Q&A pipelines

In the realm of artificial intelligence and machine learning, efficient similarity search is a critical component for tasks ranging from recommendation systems to image recognition. In this blog post, we’ll explore the implementation of vector similarity search in Go, utilizing LinGoose framework for indexing and querying vectors in a Qdrant database. Understanding Vector Similarity Search Vector similarity search involves finding vectors in a dataset that are most similar to a query vector....

November 16, 2023 · 5 min · Simone Vellei

Leveraging Go and Redis for Efficient Retrieval Augmented Generation

Introduction Artificial Intelligence has transformed the way we handle data, and one crucial aspect of AI is similarity search. Whether it’s for image recognition, recommendation systems, or natural language processing, finding similar data points quickly and accurately is a common challenge. In this blog post, we will explore a Go code snippet that showcases how to perform efficient vector similarity search using Redis and the Lingoose Go framework, catering to tech-savvy readers interested in both Go programming and AI....

November 5, 2023 · 6 min · Simone Vellei
La Dichiarazione Di Bletchley

La Dichiarazione Di Bletchley

Durante la seconda guerra mondiale l’esercito tedesco predominava in Europa grazie anche alla tecnologia crittografica usata nell’ambito delle comunicazioni: la macchia Enigma. Gli inglesi per poterne decifrare i codici si servirono di un gruppo di matematici, fisici e linguisti, che lavorarono in un luogo segreto, Bletchley Park, in Inghilterra. Il loro lavoro fu una vera e propria rivoluzione scientifica, svolta fondamentale per la vittoria degli Alleati. A distanza di quasi 80 anni, Betlchley Park torna a scrivere la storia nell’ambito dell’evoluzione tecnologica....

November 3, 2023 · 3 min · Simone Vellei

Sentiment Analysis - Meloni 25 Ottobre 2022

Il 25 Ottobre 2022, il nuovo presidente del consiglio italiano Giorgia Meloni ha tenuto il consueto discorso alla Camera. Attraverso opportuni strumenti ho effettuato la sentiment analysis del testo e prodotto il seguente documento consultabile online: Sentiment analysis - Discorso alla Camera - Giorgia Meloni.

October 26, 2022 · 1 min · Simone Vellei